
Get the printed copy of y book!

Posted on February 08, 2025

Finally!!!! Get the English version of my testimony “Don’t say you like it” published previously in France . You can order a copy by supporting my project online on Kickstarter! With of course, some cool rewards awarded according to the amount of your participation 🙂 Click on this link, and participate!

My TEDx speech

Posted on February 08, 2025

Here is my appearance of the famous stage of the TEDx connferences. This one took place at the school Centrale Lyon, in France. You should be able to get some English subtitles (check the settings of the video), which are not perfect, but hopefully it will allow you to understand my speech!

My collaboration with the British band Electric Pyramid

Posted on February 08, 2025

PARADISE is now available on SPOTIFY.!

Performed as a duet with author & comics director at Glénat and well-being coach, Céline Tran, (formally known as Katsuni – the greatest French porn-star of her generation and highly world renowned), Paradise is an invitation to think outside the box and go beyond appearances.

« One day, I made the choice to speak with my body. I loved it so much that I chose to make a career out of it, and since then I’ve learned to express myself with words; to write them down and say them loud… Today I’m doing it through a declaration of love – what better opportunity to express myself?” said Céline. « My voice, in Paradise, is not a chant, but a whisper. I’m not a singer, only an apprentice musician, and that’s why I think it’s a great reason to experience this new path” she added.

« I met Céline a few months ago, fascinated by her personality and her wish to create. Céline is a true artist who dares to experiment with desire and commitment; proved by her numerous collaborations. It seeks above all to transmit and explore human relationships… This is the message of Paradise: a window on the strong ties that unite us” adds Oliver Beach.  » I loved working with Celine – she is very famous and her aura shines around the world, but it’s the first time we ever truly hear her voice, highlighting this feminine objectivity that allows her to rise well beyond fantasy and attachment of the body and create harmony. There is something exceptional about the experience we lived and share today. »

Recorded in Cornwall, Paradise will be available on all streaming platforms from Friday, June 21st.

After working with sound « wizards » responsible for the best albums of Muse, Supergrass, Jeff Beck & Bones, or more recently Henry Cross (Massive Attack), Electric Pyramid are finalising their album to be unveiled this fall, after a summer tour which is taking the band from Spain to Italy, via Japan and the Netherlands before returning to France for a series of gigs.

Directed by Deyan Parouchev

The clip, directed by multi-award-winning director Deyan Parouchev, whose projects have been featured many times in several festivals and officially presented at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris or the Museum of Modern Art in Moscow , was filmed in London with the band and Céline Tran.

Sur la scène du Bus Palladium le 1er Décembre

Posted on February 08, 2025

 Le 1er Décembre, le groupe rock londonien Electric Pyramid vous donne RDV sur la scène du Bus Palladium. J’aurai le plaisir de monter sur scène, le temps d’un morceau dont j’ai co-écrit les paroles… Un nouveau plaisir en perspective !

Présentation du groupe: « Electric Pyramid semble avoir trouvé la recette entre élégance grunge et décadence pop, située à l’épicentre entre la versatilité de Led Zeppelin, la subtilité de Fleetwood Mac, l’authenticité de Black Rebel Motorcycle Club et le trip de Massive Attack.

Taillé pour la scène, Electric Pyramid, emmené par Oliver Beach, charismatique chateur-guitariste vivant entre Lisbonne, Montreux, Londres et Paris, veut créer une égrégore : une communion que seule la musique peut apporter au monde, peu importe la taille de l’audience. Capables d’enflammer des stades comme lorsqu’ils ont partagé une tournée avec le légendaire groupe Queen ou de créer des ambiances magiques dans des clubs rock mythiques comme le Bus Palladium à Paris ou le Troubadour de Londres où ils ont actuellement une résidence. »

Les infos ici :


Lecture et Dédicace au Salon de Littérature Erotique le 24 Nov, Paris

Posted on February 08, 2025

Je serai présente en séance de dédicaces au Salon de la Littérature Erotique qui aura lieu Samedi 24 Novembre à La Bellevilloise 19-21 rue Boyer, 75020 Paris.

Je viendrai y signer mon autobiographie « Ne dis pas que tu aimes ça » (Fayard). Il vous sera également possible d’acheter Les Joies du Sextoy d’Erika Moen (Glénat).

Rencontrez-moi entre 18 et 21h.

J’effectuerai une lecture d’un extrait de mon livre à 19h!

Toutes les infos ICI .

Launching the new comics collection Porn’Pop!

Posted on February 08, 2025

I have the pleasure to announce the new comics collection PORN’POP at GLENAT Editions! And as the director collection, let me introduce to Petit Paul , from Bastien Vives, and Les Joies du Stex-Toy, from Erika Moen. For adults only! This collection is dedicated to sexuality and the goal is to speak about it in many different ways. If it’s explicit, we want to be much more creative than porn videos. Comics are for sure the perfect way to explore even more! And I’m very excited about it 😉


Selling all my personal items from my past career in porn!

Posted on February 08, 2025

I recently announced on my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, that I am now ready to separate from multiple objects that were part of my past life / career in the adult industry, while I was still called “Katsuni”. (I quit porn at the beginning of 2013 …) So, ready / ready to go shopping like a pornstar? Shoes, dresses, awards, lingerie , costumes etc…

Subscribe on Ebay to follow my seller’s account Pornhollywood ^ _ ^

All the details on my  blog:

Jailbreak is on NETFLIX!

Posted on February 08, 2025

The martial arts movie (and comedy) JAILBREAK where I’m performed 2 years ago in Cambodia is now on NETFLIX ! If you love action and fights, you should be happy.